Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Wasp

While waiting for the bus, another small visitor came into Mishy’s world.  It was a cloudy dreary day outside, so I decided to wait inside the bus shelter when suddenly I heard a loud buzzing sound! Yikes! A wasp!  At first glance, a wasp looks a lot like a bee, but there is one simple clue that will help you notice the difference right away.  It’s their tiny wasp-like waist, which bees don’t have.  Before the off chance of getting stung by this little critter, I pulled my camera out from my bag and began to move in very close to take some photos!  Another co-operative model and I’m telling you from the heart, these tiny creatures just love having their pictures taken.  As a firm believer that all living things have a purpose, I would never kill anything.  A wasp has benefits to life on the planet, maybe not on this day in the bus shelter with me, but at some point in his life he will do enough good to justify his existence here on planet earth!  For example in a farmer’s field, a wasp will eat caterpillars that would otherwise destroy his crops.  An aggressive and predatory wasp will also be found a lot between August and October eating food in the garbage containers!   The female wasp is the one to watch out for as she is the one with the stinger, but it’s the male wasp that starts the wasp colony by laying eggs!  That’s a switch!  He does that until there is enough wasps in the nest and then she will become more fertile to do it herself.  Now that’s what I call a great partnership! I guess the only problem is that their nest is made up of wood and mud, so it must be very difficult to keep clean!