Sunday, October 2, 2011

Monarch Butterfly

It was a beautiful August afternoon in a field of gold, walking with my son when he took the camera out of my hands and in a moment a shot was taken of a beautiful little monarch butterfly.  In fields, bugs and flies run rampant and thrive.  So if you want to capture a view or a touch from anything smaller than your hand, the fields are where its at.  

In fact if you ever want to see a monarch butterfly, I guarantee you will find them in a field where milkweed exist.  That's because milkweed is the only plant that a monarch butterfly's larvae ever eat! So now you know how to attract a monarch butterfly to your garden! Just plant some milkweed seeds.  The female lays her eggs just on the underside of the milkweed leaves.  Depending on the temperature, the eggs will hatch in about 3 to 12 days later.  These eggs will eat the plant for about 2 weeks and then, can you guess what the larvae grows into? 

That's right..a caterpillar!  In a while the caterpillar gets bored so he just hangs around, well rather hangs upside down on a nearby branch for a few hours while its outer skin is shed and he enters into the chrysalis stage for about two weeks before he becomes transformed into a beautiful monarch butterfly!